Friday, November 30, 2018

Business Continuity Management (BCM) for better preparedness, response and recovery

A preliminary discussion was held on 19th November 2018 to plan, outline and discuss a plan for rolling out the proposed series of training programmes on Business Continuity Management (BCM) that has been planned under Sri Lanka preparedness Partnership (SLPP)  to make Small  and Medium Enterprises in 03 districts in Sri Lanka better prepared for any business disruptions arising from natural and man-made hazards and for effective respond and recovery. The Sri Lanka Preparedness Partnership (SLPP) in collaboration with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and Janathakshan Gte Ltd organized the discussion. It was participated by representatives from Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, MAS Intimate, Dialog Axiata, Sabaragamuwa Chamber of Commerce and National Enterprise Development Authority, ADPC and Janathakshan Gte Ltd.

Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) was launched in 2017 as a joint initiative of government,  private sector and civil society networks from six countries namely, Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, while ADPC serves as the secretariat. The APP supports the regional, national and local partnerships to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters by strengthening the leadership capacity of the governments, the private sector and civil society organizations while promoting south-south learning, knowledge exchange and partnerships across and beyond the regions. The Sri Lanka Preparedness Partnership (SLPP) has been formed under the purview of Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) for preparedness for emergency response. The program will help in improving the inter-organizational coordination by engaging the Local Humanitarian Organizations and Institutions to have increased dialogue with the National Governments and Inter-Agency Networks through partnerships, exchange of information and knowledge resources, training, and networking opportunities.

The discussion was participated by  representatives from Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, MAS Intimate, Dialog Axiata, Sabaragamuwa Chamber of Commerce and National Enterprise Development Authority, ADPC and Janathakshan Gte Ltd.
Mr. A. M. Sanoon from Dialog Axiata explaining the factors to be considered in BCM

The specific objective of the discussion was to formulate a resource group to design, plan and conduct the proposed series of training programmes under the SLPP. The selected resource group cum trainers has been specifically trained to serve the purpose under the Training of Trainers (TOT) programme which was held in July 2018. The Sri Lanka Preparedness Partnership (SLPP) in collaboration with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and government of Sri Lanka (Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resource Management and Ministry of Disaster Management) with the support of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), organized this TOT on Business Continuity Management (BCM) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The TOT was designed to promote awareness and knowledge of the benefits and key processes of BCM as part of overall efforts for building business resilience. The training aimed to equip the participants to deliver BCM training for micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) especially as part of enhancing their value chain and/or corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability programs.

After a successful discuss the team was able to draft the outline of the training programme, detailed out the content and identified the resource person to conduct the specific training sessions. The tentative timeline was agreed to conduct the training programme and hopefully the first training programme will be able to conduct by mid December 2018.

The Sri Lanka Preparedness Partnership (SLPP) believes that this series of training programmes will help MSMEs to better prepare for any business disruptions arising from natural and man-made hazards and for effective respond and recovery. The lessons and experiences generated through the series of BCM programme will be shared across Asia and the globe.