Thursday, September 21, 2017

A great leap forward, one step at a time......

An awareness programme on basic weather & climate information, collection of relevant data and weather forecasting was conducted today, 21st September at Kurunegala agro-meteorological station for a group of farmers of “Shakthi” farmer organization in Kumbukwewa GN division of Kotawehera divisional secretary division in Badulla district. This is the first of the series of awareness programmes for selected farmer groups representing 06 districts of Sri Lanka namely Hambantota, Badulla, Rathnapura, Anuradhapura, Kurunegala and Batticaloa.
Farmers listening to the introductory presentations
Onsite demonstration on reading weather data
Equipments available at  Kurunegala Agro-meteorological station

Issuing of a rain gauge to the farmer organization to establish a community managed rain fall station and inducting the farmers on collecting rainfall data also took place as a part of the awareness programme. The plan is to establish another 05 community managed rain fall stations in the other 05 project locations as well.   
President of the Shakthi farmer organisation receives the rain gauge issued by the DOM

Demonstration - measuring of rainfall

The programme has been organized under the research project “Bridging the Climate Information and Communication Gaps for Effective Adaptation Decisions: An Integrated Climate Information Management System (ICIMS) jointly implemented by the Department of Meteorology (DOM), Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Janathakshan Gte Ltd and South Asian Network of Development and Environmental Economics. The key objective of the project is to reduce the vulnerability of farmers to climate risks and increase their adaptive capacity to face them. This is to be achieved through enhancing the rational use of climate information products in order to improve the effectiveness of adaptation decisions taken by farmers and policymakers/experts in their respective decision-making spheres. (Please click the here for more information about the project)

The training programme was quite successful with the active participation of the farmers and their response and feedback was impressive. Stating the importance of the research project they certified their contribution and active participation throughout the project. The participation of the farmers was awarded with a certificate at the end of the programme.
Farmer group with the officers of DOM, IPS and Janathakshan

This awareness programme is a one important step towards achieving the project objective and various other activities are being implemented and tested in the ground to serve the purpose. The efforts will be continued through a participatory, inclusive and innovative approach.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Local Action: Global Thinking: Knowledge Sharing Symposium 2017 on Global Environment Facility/SGP UNDP funded projects and Community Based REDD+ (CBR+) projects implemented in Sri Lanka

Date: July 9-10, 2017
Time:9.00 am  to 5.00 pm
Venue:Gamini Dissanayake Auditorium, Mahaweli Centre, No. 69, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07

The primary purpose of the symposium is to share the knowledge, lessons and experiences of the CBR+ projects implemented in Sri Lanka. During the 02 day symposium CBR+ partners will present their experiences and lessons learnt. As the symposium is held in partnership with GEF/SGP Sri Lanka programme, projects implemented in the Operational Phase V will also be presented.

The symposium is held in coordination with the World Environment Day Celebrations which are held on 09th and 10th July at the Public Library premises, Colombo 07. The main organizing partner for the event is the Sri-Lanka Nature Forum (SLNF) - a partner Network of the Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Programme, UNDP. Other UN agencies and government and private sector organizations will offer assistance and support to the effort. The event will have exhibition stalls of environment and education value, on Selected GEF/SGP UNDP and Community Based REDD+ projects implemented at community level. Other parallel events will also take place during the two days.

An exhibition of environment products of communities will be the main attraction. Awards to school children on art work competitions will take place, several publications will also be launched at the symposium.