Sunday, February 22, 2015

Palmyra bio fencing: a sustainable solution to resolve human elephant conflict in Sri Lanka

Practical Action and Janathakshan has identified Palmyra bio fencing as of the indigenous technology to minimize the wild elephant attacks in rural areas. Pilot testing of this concept is being carried under the partnership build among practical Action, Wild Life Conservation Department, Palmyra Development Board and Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute of Sri Lanka.

Who we are, What we do?

Janathakshan (GTE) Limited is a not for profit company established in 2011 to promote sustainable and green solutions in development to Sri Lanka and beyond. Janathakshan; meaning "people’s technology" or "technology for people" roots itself in the work of Practical Action, a technology based INGO operated in Sri Lanka for over two decades and envisages the same vision and values of Practical Action founder E. F. Schumacher’s philosophy. The existence of Janathakshan (GTE) Limited ensures the sustainability of knowledge based networks and expert knowledge to serve future practitioners, development agencies, researchers, students, academics and decisions makers.


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